If you feel like hopelessness has taken control of you because your recurring BV infections are ruining your sex life, I invite you to read this page and learn how a 6 year chronic BV sufferer managed to achieve what seemed to be impossible: permanent relief from bacterial vaginosis.
It’s terrible, isn’t it? Your man starts to get close, kissing and caressing you, and the first thing that pops into your head is…
First off, I want to confess something that I was forced to keep secret for a long time… I suffered from bacterial vaginosis for years. It was terrible.
From my early teens when I first became sexually active, through my college years and into my mid-twenties, I had a seriously awful and embarrassing problem that I thought I would have to live with for the rest of my life.
As a late teen I didn’t really know any better. But what I did know was that my boyfriends didn’t like to try certain things with me sexually for some reason…
None of my girlfriends had the same problems as me, but I started to realize that what was going on down there was “not normal.”
In college I began to really suffer. I started getting paranoid about the whispers behind my back and rumors going around, and my sex life and self-confidence were utterly shattered.
When I finally got up enough courage to see my doctor, I discovered that this problem was actually common and that it had a name: bacterial vaginosis.
I put my faith in my doctor and took the antibiotic medication she gave and, well… long story short… it did nothing for me.
After recurring trips to see my doctor to keep trying something new, she finally told me that it was something I just had to “live with.”
I was forced to develop a lifestyle of hiding my problem and my shame because I felt like there was nothing else I could do.
Before getting intimate with my boyfriend I always used to fake routine trips to the bathroom “to go pee” when really I would furiously rinse myself and spray perfume to mask the fishy smell that I had become so afraid of.
I visited several natural health experts and spent hundreds of dollars on whatever they recommended… Because, honestly, I didn’t care. If anything had hope of fixing my problem, I would give it a try.
But after being repeatedly disappointed with the advice from people who didn’t really care, I decided the only way to figure it out was to figure it out myself.
1. I posted in Craigslist asking for help. 2. I talked to several different doctors. 3. I consulted with natural healers. 4. I took a natural health course at college. 5. I did endless hours of research online 6. …and that was only the beginning!
The more I researched, the more I began to uncover the truth about…