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If you’re someone who wants ripped abs, but you weren’t born with “stellar genetics”, then this may be the most important message you read all year long.

Well, because I used to be a chubby accountant. That’s right, I let myself get up to 225lbs with a body fat percentage of 22%. I did every single “ab workout” that I found, but could never get any definition in my midsection.

Because everything changed once I realized that your abdominals cannot be trained like every other one of your muscle groups. In fact, by training my core less frequently, I was able to get a set of ripped eight pack abs in just a few short months…

Once I realized there are 3 different regions of your midsection, I started targeting my upper abs, obliques, and lower abs in short, intense training sessions – no longer than 5 minutes per day.

Within just a few months, I was able to go from a “Fat Kid to a Fitness Model.” My transformation caught the attention of major magazine publishers, in addition to the World’s #6 Ranked Fitness Expert (by, Obi Obadike.

But I’m not here to talk about my personal accolades. I’m here to teach YOU how to get similar, if not better results than me in a shorter amount of time…

Well, I’ve spent the past 10 years studying virtually every workout and diet routine on the market.

Being someone who was born with “poor genetics”, I’ve had to fight tooth and nail to find strategies that work for me. As an accountant, I would often work 16 hour days. This left me with very little spare time to get to the gym.

I realized that if I ever wanted to get “six pack abs”, I needed to find another alternative…one from the comfort of my own apartment.

Instead of focusing on training my “abdominals” as a whole, I started to dig deeper. I started to isolate my upper abs, obliques, and lower abs in every one of my workouts. Instead of training my abdominals for 30 minutes once per week at the gym, I trained them for only 3 minutes per day…

It wasn’t about WHAT type of ab exercises I was performing, but rather HOW I was training my abs that mattered. By doing short, intense circuit workouts from my apartment floor, I was able to target each individual region of my core AND get a great fat burning workout.

I’ll never forget when I ran into my ex girlfriend (who dumped me 6 months prior) at a barbeque and she was SHOCKED with how I looked…

Trust me my friend, there’s no way that you’ve struggled to get six pack abs longer than I did. I trained them wrong for over 10 YEARS, and only recently started to see results.

But, I’m betting that, like me, you’ve never been taught how to…

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