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Chikara-Reiki-Do… Teaching Reiki online for over 12 years… With thousands of students worldwide becoming powerful, independent Reiki Masters
In fact, some Reiki teachers even go so far as to tell you that you have to undertake a very expensive, twelve month minimum, apprenticeship before you can become a Reiki Master!
Because it’s not how the accepted founder of modern day Reiki, Mikao Usui himself, was attuned to Reiki.
…for there’s a profound and simple truth about Reiki most people either don’t know or don’t want to talk about…
Mikao Usui, the founding father of modern day Reiki, actually attuned himself to Reiki all those years ago!
Which is quite obvious when you really think about it – as there was no-one else there on the mountain to do it for him!
(Yes, some people say a great light came out of the darkness, hit Usui in the forehead and gave him Reiki – and that sounds beautifully mystical doesn’t it? But, it’s just a ‘flight of fancy’ I’m afraid, and it’s not meant to be taken at all seriously).
Usui went to his favourite meditation spot, totally alone, and after a period of fasting and meditating, he experienced a sudden flash of deep understanding – a Satori if you will…
…about how a particular aspect of the vital life force energy already flowing within him could easily be accessed and used for both healing and the acceleration of self-realization.
First you take Reiki level one and wait a few months. Then you take level two and wait for maybe up to a year to become a Reiki Master.
He simply discovered, acknowledged, intentionally opened up to and harnessed this energy he found within himself and called it Reiki.
This energy, the same energy Usui found within himself, is also flowing within you right now too – it has to be – for it’s your very own life force energy, without which you wouldn’t actually be alive!
Well, it means Reiki IS NOT something that has to be transferred to you by a Reiki Master during a Reiki attunement ceremony, as everyone has been conditioned to believe, and…
You see, the only thing a Reiki Master is actually doing for you during a ‘hands on attunement’ is just ‘awakening’ you to your own abilities…
…they’re simply awakening you to the part of you that is already Reiki – and that’s something you can easily do for yourself as I’ll show you in just a moment.
For it’s just as every Enlightened Master, Prophet and Mystic has been saying since the beginning of time…
As you can plainly see in the second paragraph of this short extract, taken directly from Dr Usui’s own Memorial Inscription, which reads…
Follow the great principles, and…