Sure, you can lose weight following a strict diet, but the research shows you’ll gain it all back (and more). Read this page and you’ll discover how you can indulge in delicious desserts like those pictured above that will help you lose weight AND keep it off better than “deprivation dieting”… Not to mention it’s a lot more yummy and fun!
Do you find it impossible to avoid all the tasty treats you love when you’re trying to lose weight?
Do you feel guilty and beat yourself up when you ‘crack’ and eat something you’re not supposed to?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, I’m going to show you how I got in the best shape of my life for my “big day” while eating desserts regularly…
I was never overweight. (If you’re overweight or obese, don’t worry, this will work even BETTER for you than it did for me…)
And with all of the big things to organize, like the venue, the photographer, the food (all married ladies know what I’m talking about), I’d left getting in shape to the last minute.
You’d think that it’d be easy to stick to any diet no matter how strict with such a big goal in mind…
But with the wedding looming, I set a goal to get in tip-top shape. So I resigned myself to your typical “deprivation diet”.
…What I Found Shocked Me – A Lot Of So-Called “Healthy” Dessert Recipes Aren’t Healthy At All!
I don’t care what diet you’re on, sugar isn’t going to help you lose excess tummy and arm fat.
Other recipes included white flour as a main ingredient, among other things that won’t help us lose weight. (These are all part of my SINgredients list, which you’ll learn about in a minute…)
In fact, see for yourself the difference in nutrients between a typical “healthy” dessert recipe and a Dessert Angel recipe:
But good fats: like fat from eggs, olive oil, or other “Divine Ingredients” that you’ll learn about soon actually help you to burn fat.
Fat and protein keeps your insulin levels from spiking too high, as you can see in the diagram below.
If your insulin spikes too high , that’s a bad thing because it switches your body into fat-storage mode.
Lots of sugar and no fat (like the typical “healthy” brownie recipe above) will cause these spikes in your insulin and your body goes into fat storage mode.
Here are 2 diagrams illustrating the difference between a typical “healthy” dessert recipe and a Dessert Angel recipe:
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When your insulin levels spike after eating a typical dessert that’s high in sugar or other carbs and low in protein and fat, after the initial “sugar high” insulin comes crashing down…