Now For The First Time! Fight Your Illness With Easy And Delicious Juicing Recipes Based On The Latest And Exciting Nutritional Discoveries!
"Thanks so much for putting out such a great – affordable – book." – Jeanette Carpenter, MD Medical Director, Carpenter Health and Wellness, PLLC
For the first time, here’s a collection of juice recipes – over 275 – based on the latest nutritional discoveries. If you have an illness – or want to avoid one – we have a juice recipe to fight it. So while you’re enjoying a delicious glass of fresh juice, now you can also target your health concerns whether it’s weight loss, anti-aging, more energy, better sex, or fighting diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and many more!
I wish I started juicing decades ago and started all my friends and family as well! Here are the eye-opening reasons why!
I’m very healthy and always have been. I don’t eat a lot of junk food, I’m not overweight, and I exercise daily – I’m even a Pilates instructor (check me out at! But there’s just one problem. I don’t eat all the fruits and veggies I’m supposed to eat every day. Who does? I seriously don’t think that I EVER ate the minimum daily requirement of fresh fruits and veggies!
I just turned 60 and I’m starting to develop some health issues and I’m alarmed! I spend so much time on exercise and healthy living that I should NEVER have ANY health problems!
Well I do, and my doctor has nothing he can do for me but medications that don’t agree with me. The more I looked into this problem the more I discovered alarming facts about how a lack of fresh fruits and veggies has so much to do with so many of our health problems from heart disease to cancer! What really surprised me was the discovery that many of our health problems can be cured – yes cured! – with certain combinations of fresh fruits and vegetables!
Now excuse me for a brief rant! I just saw the film, Hoxey: How Healing Becomes a Crime. You can view the entire documentary for free on my website.
This film reveals how the AMA and FDA suppress legitimate alternative cures for cancer. They won’t even test the Hoxey method because Mr. Hoxey refused to sell it to the AMA because they refused to offer it free, as Mr. Hoxey had always done, to those who can’t afford it! I know, it sounds too sinister to be true! Just view the film for yourself – it’s incredible!
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate medical science – in fact, our wonderful medical advances saved my son and and his mother from complications of childbirth that would have killed them both just a generation earlier! I have first-hand experience of the marvels of medical science, but there is also a dark side! My point is that fresh fruits and vegetables…