Introduction To Basic Electronics – Basic Electronics Tutorial

"Hello I’m Greg And I Think It’s Great That You Want To Start Learning Electronics! Here’s How I Can Make It Easier For You"

"This is a solid INTRODUCTORY COURSE in basic electronics that will provide you with the information you will need to begin building, repairing and experimenting with electronic circuits on your own."

It’s Downloadable – Quick-Learning – And It’s Inexpensive This downloadable home study package is perfect for anyone with a strong interest in how things work. Someone who perhaps has little or no experience working with electronic components and circuits, but wants to know more and learn it quickly and inexpensively!

It Explains Topics In Simple Easy To Understand Terms! Introduction To Basic Electronics covers all the important topics, voltage and current, capacitors and inductors, reactance and impeadance plus transistors and diodes, all using short understandable explanations and examples.

Includes "Hands-On Experience" With Circuit Building And since this home study course is divided into two parts you’ll feel much more comfortable building electronic circuits and projects on your own successfully without needing help, because the second part is about hands on electronic project construction.

Chapter 1 is about the factors that must be present in any circuit to make it operate. We’ll talk about voltage and current flow and an example that we have all seen of a static charge causing a current to flow. Next we talk about conductors and insulators and why conductors conduct and why insulators insulate. Plus a few other interesting things about voltage and current.

Now that we have those electrons moving we need to manage them and this means talking about resistance and defining the ohm. We move on to why resistors have two values. Next we talk about resistivity of common metals and how that information is used to compare different conductors.

Here I explain how a capacitor is made of metal plates or foil separated by an insulating material. It’s the insulating material that holds the important electric field and affects the total capacitance as well as the maximum voltage that can be applied. We talk about nine common insulating materials and their ‘dielectric constants’ which is a measure of how well each contains the electric field and other interesting facts about capacitors and how they work.

This is the chapter where I introduce the concept of induction. Here you will learn about how a magnetic field cutting through a coil of wire induces a voltage in that coil. We talk about how the inductor works with current flow and magnetic fields and how important that knowledge will become later on.

Alternating current powers the world today and there is good reason for that. In one word it’s – transformers! In this chapter we talk about different types of common alternating current waveforms. Including the square and sine wave. And voltages at various times in the waveform. And we talk about frequency of waves and why they are all measured based on exactly one second in time.

Since we…

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