Finally, an all inclusive step-by-step information resource to help you produce beautiful, long lasting hypertufa troughs, planters, totems, spheres — just about anything you can think of. Your imagination is your only limitation! You can learn to be creative using the peat-moss based recipe called Hypertufa.
I’ve worked hard to produce a thorough, clearly explained no-nonsense tutorial for anyone who desires to learn to create garden art with hypertufa.
Everything you’ll need to know is explained, including: important safety considerations; how to avoid recipe failures; successful curing techniques; where to locate hard-to-find ingredients; and much much more.
Claudia has really outdone herself with this eBook tutorial! She’s shared all her expert advice and special hypertufa tips with us.
"The Hypertufa How-To Manual" is extremely thorough and easy to read. I have already gotten the hang of working with hypertufa and was successful with my first trough project. I think anyone wanting to learn how to make planters, rocks and other things with this interesting concoction will not be disappointed in what this eBook will teach them.
I don’t think Claudia has left anything out. It’s a great value and I’ll be referring to it often. A wonderful ‘tufa crafter’s reference source!
I’ve put my years of experience and research into "The Hypertufa How-To Manual and I’m pleased to be able to finally say it is now available for purchase and IMMEDIATE download.
Whether you are a beginner — or moving into intermediate level skills, this eBook will be an invaluable resource for you to refer back to time and time again. With its colorful photographs and comprehensive information, you will be able to create wonderful, whimsical, or practical hypertufa garden art objects each and every time.
I’ve done my very best to structure "The Hypertufa How-To Manual" eBook as a reference guide that will arm you with all the tips and techniques needed to tackle any type of basic-to-intermediate level project. There is a wealth of knowledge in this book! It’s all here and available for immediate download.
If you’re wondering about the value of the information I’ve provided, please read these unsolicited, kind compliments I received from an honored "fellow" of the American Concrete Institute who purchased my eBook. (I could not have paid anyone to write this!) In addition, Sally is a past president of an ACI chapter, and was active for many years with the Quality and Specifications Committee of the Kentucky Ready Mixed Concrete Association.
Dear Claudia, Your eBook is amazing! You have incorporated a lot of sound technical and historical information, yet kept it readable and interesting.
I really like your emphasis on safety. I have seen the crippling effects of concrete poisoning on finishers, amateur and professional, who did not take necessary precautions. (I must admit to having had an occasional brush with contact dermatitis when I was not careful enough around freshly mixed concrete in my 33 years of working with it.)
It is…