Boring conversations will land you in the friend zone. And instead of getting her in the mood for sex, most guys kill any sexual tension.
After year’s of working personally 1-on-1 with hundreds of students worldwide, I know most guys don’t turn her on.
Most guys have conversations that are very platonic and friendly. They try to make her feel comfortable. They try to make her laugh so she will like them.
They don’t say anything that may upset her. They agree with just about everything she says because if they disagreed with her, she may not like them.
They hide their sexual feelings and intentions because “what if she doesn’t feel the same way?”
In your mind, all you want to do is please her and get her in bed. You don’t want to mess up your chances so you play it safe…
Well it ends up being a very friendly conversation. That’s it. And what happens with a friendly conversation.
She does not logically say, “Okay this guy has made me laugh twice, he teased me once, he makes this much money, he has x number of facebook friends… okay I’ll sleep with him.”
She does NOT control the fact that some men – flood her body with knee buckling waves of attraction and desire while some guys do nothing for her.
The problem with sexual attraction is that it is a feeling. You can’t tell her to feel sexual attracted to you. You can’t tell her to be aroused or turned on.
Human sexuality has been active for over 100,000 years! Our bodies are instinctively attracted to certain qualities of the opposite sex. When we meet someone that has those qualities, we are instantly attracted to them.
Over the course of evolution, women can unconsciously spot her ideal man. She’ll instinctively choose the man that is best able to protect her and her offspring.
Her brain sizes you up and if you fit her ancestral wish list, she gets a jolt of of chemicals that make her dizzy, laser-focused attraction.
And once you know what you’re doing, you can make nearly any woman become obsessed with you, fantasize about you, and crave to have sex with you.
"Triggering Sexual Chemistry" will show you exactly how to activate sexual attraction within minutes of talking to her.
AND I want you to be absolutely sure about it, that’s why I’LL LET YOU TRY IT OUT and see for yourself what it can do for you.
If you love the results (and you will!) then you’ll be billed ONE PAYMENT OF $67 in 7 days from now.
Triggering Sexual Chemistry is the result of my team and I scouring through tons of scientific journals, neurochemistry studies, female psychology books, and thousands of hours of infield study to figure out what activates the sexual part of a woman’s brain. If you want the documentation used in our…