Covert Hypnosis – Exposed

You really can hypnotize people in every day situations. Quickly and easily. Without them knowing what’s going on. While they’re fully awake… yet… under your hypnotic spell. Instantly obedient. Ready, willing and able to do as you say.

While that may sound a little far-fetched I will prove every word is true. So take a few short minutes and read this web page. Because you’re about to discover some amazing things including…

He spent 60-years learning, studying and testing hypnosis techniques. Many of them he pioneered. His skills became so proficient he could hypnotize subjects while talking with them. They had no idea what was happening. Yet they followed Dr. Erickson’s commands on cue.

The main focus of his work was on applying hypnosis in medical or therapeutic environments. He also used his knowledge in daily situations to gain a considerable advantage over others.

The American Medical Association (AMA) prohibited members from the practice. Dr. Erickson believed hypnosis was a viable and effective therapeutic tool. To keep his medical license, he became an expert at hypnotizing patients during "normal" conversation. He broke the rules and taught himself…

At the same time, Dr. Erickson refused to teach hypnosis to anyone other than licensed doctors, dentists and psychologists. He felt his techniques were too powerful for the average person.

Police in Italy have issued footage of a man who is suspected of hypnotising supermarket checkout staff to hand over money from their cash registers.  

In every case, the last thing…

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