Not only was this plan easy to follow but the meals were delicious! I made myself go into this meal plan with an open mind and promised myself even if it was something I normally wouldn’t try (I’m a picky eater) that I would try it!
I was not disappointed! Everything tasted amazing!! It was exactly what I needed to get over my weight plateau. If you are looking for some new and healthy ideas for meals I highly suggest The Fuel System!
I needed to let you know that you have changed my life. I never thought that a “plan” would be something I would stick to or want to stick to because they are all so BORING. However, yours rocks. Your support that you have shown me through my ups and downs is incredible. My way of thinking about food now is to fuel my body and not to starve it.
Your recipes are great and have helped make me and my husband be healthier. I lost 6 lbs in the first week! -Rebecca C.
Back in October, 2011 I was at the heaviest point of my life. I used to weigh 213lbs and felt like crap every day. My knee surgeries from 2010 had me siting on the couch, all drugged up, losing muscle mass and getting fat. Come Halloween, I noticed that the fairly snug shirt was exposing my belly rolls, and for the first time in my life, I was insecure about my body.
I have been following Betty Rockers recipes and Anywhere Workouts for a little under a year now. Since Nov 2011 I’ve gone from 213 lbs to 174 lbs and feel awesome. I would like to thank Betty Rocker for the guidelines and awesome creative workouts. I feel like I’m 18yrs old and in high school again, fending women off me with a stick! -Eric C. (28)
The main “difference” I noticed immediately after starting the Fuel System was that I stopped craving sugar all the time. I still would feel a craving every now and then (especially during emotional moments) but because my body was finally “adequately fueled” with complex carbs and proteins and veggies on a regular basis I didn’t feel that desperation for sugar like I used to.
I read the Fuel System from cover to cover and what I appreciated most was not just the incredible amount of information and advice, but the positive message of self-love and acceptance that Betty Rocker was spreading. Through her incredible guidance I have learned to love myself and not punish/reward myself with food. Food is my fuel, nothing more, nothing less.
Thanks to the nutritional philosophies in the Fuel System I feel as though I finally get it. I don’t feel like I’m on a “diet”. In fact, I feel amazingly nourished all the time! The difference is that since I’m prepping my meals at the beginning of each week/day…