Beauty Food Bible Special Presentation

“My sister gave me the Beauty Food Bible because I spend a lot of money on skin care products and she’s always trying to get me to eat better. “I was skeptical, but willing to give it a try. Well, I’m so glad she insisted that I read it. It’s truly changed my life and the way i think about food and my skin." After reading the book I’m much more careful about what I put in my body because I know it’s going to come out on my skin, and let me tell you, I’ve never looked or felt better.

“And my skin, which used to break out around that time of the month, doesn’t freak out around my period any more. It was really fun and easy to read. Since my job requires a lot of entertaining, and now I know what to order (and drink) when eating out. This is a MUST READ if you care about your skin!! and your health.” — Gina

“When I heard about the Beauty Food Bible book I thought this is perfect. We spend so much money on external products to keep our faces looking young and beautiful.

“This book teaches you what to eat to make your face look beautiful from the inside out. Not only do you look more beautiful but your body feels healthy. “I was so happy how this book covered the different problems one can have with their skin, and what to eat to improve it.

So for whatever you are trying to improve, the beauty food bible is the solution. It is detailed and teaches you what you need to know, and what a FUN read.” — Michelle

“I love this book and since reading it and applying the advice, I am sleeping better and feeling more energized. The eating principles in the book are very simple to follow.

“Since I have done this, my skin looks clearer. I had friends comment to me at the weekend that my skin is glowing.”– Susan

“I was former skin model, had skin like a baby… pink & flawless most of my life without doing much.

This year, I had a lot of stress, bad diet, so I collected 10 pimples and skin felt flakey and dry and itchy underneath no matter what fancy lotion I put on it. Read this book and tried it for 3 days and it works. The education is worth every penny!

After reading the Beauty Food Bible, I incorporated the exfoliation and almost getting my old skin back in just 3 days! 4 weeks from now I will be flawless again at 38 yrs old. People mistaken me for 26 because of my skin.” — Karen

“The Beauty Food Bible is full of easy recipes using everyday ingredients – how much more accessible can skin care get? I know that personally I worry about using chemicals and harsh products on my skin, so I’m always on the lookout for natural solutions which I can make at home…

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