I’ll never forget the day my back pain started… I was only 15 years old and was playing basketball when I took a nasty fall and injured my spine. Actually, I broke a small bone on one of my vertebrae.
To someone who’s never suffered with chronic and debilitating back pain, it’s hard to explain just how awful the feeling is. To wake up, every single day of your life and never have the opportunity to really feel good… well, it’s really something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.
And yet, thousands and thousands of people endure pain like this day in and day out. For them, there’s no escaping it no matter what they try.
In an effort to find relief for my pain, I tried just about every available therapy and treatment there is.
I tried massage therapy, pain medicine, acupuncture, ultra sound, electric stimulation, the “sheets of exercises,” yoga, chiropractic, pilates, a stress relief therapy called alphabiotics and even Kinesis Myofacial Integration, offered at a whopping $125 per session.
I drew the line at surgery. But other than that, I tried anything and everything to get some lasting relief from my pain.
The best I could get was relief that was temporary. If the treatments stopped, the pain returned. Temporary relief simply wasn’t enough.
And then I met a person that would forever change the course of my life. It is because of this person that my back pain ended… almost like he was magic.
In fact, if you’re reading this and you’re not suffering from back pain, you probably won’t believe me. And that’s fine, because what I have is really not for you.
But if you’re a person who wakes up each and every day of your life to more back pain, then you’re probably going to keep reading. Because you know that even the longest journey in search of relief will be totally worth it when your back pain is gone forever.
And that’s why, at the risk of having you think I’m crazy, I’m going to tell you the story of how I ended my back pain.
After years and years of searching, it was over in about 17 minutes. And in just a moment, I’m going to introduce you to the man who showed me the secret way to do it.
But first, there’s something very important you need to understand so that everything I’m about to tell you makes sense.
Most medical and healthcare professionals don’t even know what I’m about to share with you. If they did, they’d spend their time addressing the cause of back pain instead of just the symptoms.
As weird as it sounds, you don’t end back pain by concentrating on the pain. For real and lasting relief, you need to understand the reason the pain is there.
Without that knowledge, you…