One of the worst feelings is to yearn for something we always wanted yet feeling ashamed about what we currently have!
I used to feel the same about my body and health. I am sure you can relate to what I am saying in some way. The feeling when you constantly compare yourself with someone else and imagine how happy you would be if you looked like them. People often tell you to be happy with what you have, yet, somehow you cannot do away with that feeling.
What did I always want? I know you’ve wanted this too for a long time, and probably still do as you read this!
I wanted to have a GREAT LOOKING and SLIM BODY that gives me a WOW feeling and makes me FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF.
I wanted to walk in a party and be the PERSON EVERYONE IS ATTRACTED TO because I look amazingly sexy.
I wanted the CONFIDENCE TO ENJOY EVERY MOMENT because I am HAPPY and PROUD of everything I have. I presume you know the feeling when you know things are just right and that only amazing things will happen for you. I wanted to get all this without spending too much time on what is right or wrong.
People told me to give up. My family told me to give up. Even I told myself to give up. Have you ever told yourself to give up because deep down you feel like you are going to…