I vividly remember the first time keratosis pilaris effected my life. I was 14 years old and infuated with a cute boy.
We were at Six Flags ready to get on a roller coaster. While waiting in line, he started to get close to me and rub my arms because he thought I was cold.
At that point… I was so embrassed. I didn’t know what to say. I felt like I was going to cry. It was a long ride that is for sure.
KP didn’t really bother me until that point in my life but after that horrific episode… I became totally self conscious and obsessed with it.
I went to dermatoligist after dermatoligist, over 10 in all, hoping that one would say… "Just take this and your skin will be clear". But they all acted like it wasn’t a big deal, told me to live with it, wrote me a script for a useless skin cream, and made me feel like I was wasting their time.
All the while I was becoming more and more depressed that this skin condition was controlling my life.
I’d would even get mad at the weatherman for saying it was going to be sunny and 80 degrees out tomorrow so that meant I’d be the weird one wearing the long sleeve shirt while being scorched by the sun.
Growing up I always felt I was hiding something from the world. Not showing the real me. I could tell that others noticed it too.
I could write a book on all the excuses I’ve gave through the years to avoid outings where I’d need to show my skin.
The days where I could wear a tank top to show off my tone arms from all the work I put in at the gym.
Overall, I felt KP was ruining my life. I felt like the world was not seeing the real me and almost every decsion I made was affected by my skin condition.
It got to a point where it was just unberable. I felt hopeless… antisocial, abnormal, and unattractive.
If these doctors and high-paid dermatologists, who I’ve spent a fortune on, would not help or listen to me then I’m going to research and find a solution on my own.
I attached myself to my chair for nearly 3 days reading anything and EVERYTHING I could find on keratosis pilaris.
I spent days devouring the medical forums, dermatological journals, homeopathy sites, and old textbooks.
I learned from my previous experience testing creams and solutions on what semi-worked and what didn’t help at all so I had a general idea of what to keep an eye out for.
My skin seemed smoother but the redness was still there. I went back to researching and testing some more things. And…
Not Only Did I Have Smooth Skin Now… I Finally Got Rid of the Redness Around My Hair Follicles!
My mom was the first one who noticed the difference in…